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Enrich your collection of other flags with us

I always wondered that if USA had such a great history of flags and wars where glory and patriotism took the lead role, the other nations of this world must have something similar.

The quest was quite a natural one but it came quite late. People say that learning is a continuous process and I guess they are true. I learned about the flags of various countries when I was a student in university level. I met several students coming from different nations of the world.

I had friendship with Japanese, Chinese, European, Indian, Mexican and other students. I used to mix with them during breaks and usually after the classes was over. I had a deep interest in their culture and history and asked more and more about their national flags and the history related to them.

It was really fascinating to learn about the flags and my friends never seemed to get annoyed by my questions which were in millions! They went on and on and shared the last bit of their knowledge with me.

I was extremely happy to have such wonderful friends. Some of them stayed back here and some went back to their homeland once they completed their studies but are still in contact.

When they heard of my plans to build up a website that would offer printable flags to people all across the world, they showed deep interest and helped me a lot in my endeavors. Of the many flags included are the flags of different nations and the State flags of USA.

They also came up with the ideas of funeral, medieval and many other flags. They made my efforts a great success and today when I sit back and look at my site, I not only feel happy but also proud. Feel free to browse through it and let us know your choice. You will get a flag that you want.

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